Monday, March 28, 2005

Don't You Hate Pants?

Ok, so the EU just attacked Microsoft in their crazy courts because they feel that by bundling media player with windows, it hurts the competitors.

Teh Gayzorz.

And so now Microsoft is forced to pay some insane fine, and start selling windows without media player. Wow, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Maybe I'm not up to date on all this capitalism business, but isn't that a tad lame? I see absolutely no problem with Microsoft making windows with media player. Of course, that hurts other competitors that are trying to sell their stupid media programs. Obviously you idiots! What do you think their plan was? To make a faulty product, and thus let the opposition have more costumers? Yeah, that's a great plan, that'll get you to the top real quick.

It is a companies main goal to make a product or service that will make them money right? Whether that product be donuts, software, or couches, it doesnt matter. Why is it then, that when a company makes a superior product, they get punished for it? Why does the EU feel so superior, that they need to smite the giant?

This is just plain ridiculous. Microsoft makes a product, and puts bonuses in there so it will sell better, and they get smacked for it. Now, I will admit, lots of people just use media player, and they dont go purchase other media software. sucks to be them. Why buy a product when you've got a free one? Would any of you, if you were given a free corvette, go buy a honda civic just to be nice? Of course not. Why then is the world so mad at microsoft for giving out media player?

I'll tell you the truth, I don't use media player too often. I generally use winamp, something I downloaded legally for free. Lets go sue those guys too, because they make it so Im not gonna pay for some other software. That's so unfair of them. They're just stealing business from those poor innocent companies that are trying to sell me somethign I can get for free! What dirtbags! How are they ever to survive? Try programming something worthwhile!

If the world was to smite everybody that gave away anything free with another product, we'd all be hosed. What about all those deals where you buy one and get one free? Its true, Mcdonalds is truly satanic, and will ruin the worlds economy because they are giving out a 3rd bigmac if you buy 2.


I wish people weren't dumb.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I'm sorry to dissappoint you all today, but the world is not coming to an end. Sucks to be you, I know.

Today someone attempted to convince me that we've screwed this world up so much that it'll be gone in 200 years. That everybody is going to be so screwed up from radiation that they won't know the human race existed. He had a rather bleak outlook, and possibly for good reason. Surely the world has many problems. Theoretically we have enough arms to blow the crap out of ourselves a couple hundred times over. Waste is building up, the ozone is being depleted quicklike. People are getting fatter, America is lazier, divided, and people are uglier than ever before. However, despite all this, I have great hopes for the future.

History has a tendency to repeat itself. It has been proven time and time again, and it will continue to be proven. People forget this, that's been proven time and time again as well. Human's have been intelligent enough to write for the past what, 5000 years? We've been crapping on the ground ever since, and we're yet to die out. We've been polluting water supplies, destroying the ozone, killing each other, killing wildlife, cutting down trees, and we're yet to die out.

All you doomsayers, do you remember world war 1? How about world war 2? The crusades? Polpot? The world has always had it's share of problems, and we're alright. We made it! Look at me, check it out! I've still got my limbs! Even from all the A-bomb testing, even from all the so called "Radiation" from cell phones. We won't die out. It's not the first time the world has had conflict. And humanity has always ended up on top.

Surely, we are finding better and better ways to kill each other. 800 years ago, bows + arrows and swords couldn't really kill too many people. Now we have sophisticated bombs that can take out cities at a time. So?

Surely the world is in bad shape, but it has been in bad shape for the last 5000 years. Despite our declines, we are growing stronger all the time. Right now, this generation is getting the crap beat out of them for the stupid things they did in the past. Everybody smoked, everybody thought radiation was good for you. Everybody sniffed asbestos just for fun. Cancer is on the rise. This generation has its problems as well, but we have our ways of dealing with problems. This day, medical science is the very best it has ever been in the history of humanity. Computers are faster today that ever before. Students are learning more than ever in history.

We can deal with cancer, we can deal with the bombs. Life has survived mass climate change in the past. Life has survived dictators being in charge too. We've survived some atomic bombs, some lion attacks too. We've got the tendency to survive no matter what happens. Oil prices go up? So what, humanity will survive. 200 years from now, I expect things to be peachy. The world is dandy, no worries mate.

-Christopher Thatcher


The dork who tried to convince me the world was coming to an end is now playing stupid internet games, the most entertaining of which involved President Bush and John Kerry jousting. Gotta love arguing with intelligent people.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Retro Revolution

And here I am again, to complain a little more about the ills of society. I hope you enjoy.

It seems that everybody wants to be cool. Of course everybody wants to be cool. Being cool is where it's at. Unfortunately, nobody really knows what is cool. Its just a matter a couple people deciding something is cool, and from there it's accepted as awesome. There's no standard for cool. Cool changes left and right, and today I complain about those who will deny their upbringing to be cool.

We've all seen it. People running around with Old school NES shirts. People running around with Megaman on their shirt, people running around with a 1up mushroom.

The first time I saw the 1up shirt, I just about peed my pants in joy. It was literally the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I decided then and there that if I saw a girl running around with an old school shirt, I'd be all over her. It was cool, and we all knew it was cool. The world soon caught on, and the Retro Revolution was upon us.

There was no denying it, I was a little jealous of the cool shirts. I can honestly say that I was brough up on the old school NES, I could name all the characters on the shirts, In fact, I still remembered some of the cheats to the games. I loved it. I loved seeing the old school getting the fame it deserves. It was just so friggin cool!

And then, I discovered something that shook my life. Something so sickening, that I was turned away from every girl that would ever wear and old school shirt. The retro revolution, which I loved, was now defiled.

I discovered that about 80% of the people running around with NES shirts had actually never played NES. People running around, never really played Old school, but have an Old school shirt. Scott Malone, with the megaman shirt. Idiots running around, proudly donning the NES Logo, while never having played. I felt betrayed.

How can they get the fame, the popularity, the respect from fellow nerds, when they didn't know that samus was a chick?! In fact, they thought her name was metroid. Oh the injustice of it all. There are some of us out there, some of us that really were weaned on NES. We are the true followers of the Old school. But 9 times out of 10, those that wear the shirts never played. They don't know how to blow in the cartridge just right to make it play. They've never known the horror of the flashing gray screen when you want to play, but it won't work. They've never known. And yet, they feel it's ok to take that logo on them, and take the fame that follows it.

My friends, that is what is wrong with today. Today, people are selling out, to be cool. People are jumping on the bandwagon. People like Bill who never touched an NES controller, but will wear one to be cool. If there is one thing I refuse to stand, it is somebody that denies the way he was brought up.

People that like Lord of the Rings because of the movies. You know, I read most of those books in 3rd grade. And suddenly, its now cool, and everybody is reading them. And they think they are cool because of that. Pokemon, what a cool gameboy game. And then there are those that think its awesome because the cards had cool pictures on them. ~sigh~

People, you can't just jump into rocky II and decide that it is the best series ever made. No, you have to see Rocky I. People are dumb. I feel personally offended that Nick has made me despise the 1up mushroom. What does he know about Mario? I know mario personally. Mario raised me. People forget who they are. People forget their loyalties. This retro revolution, it is well deserved. Those were some of the coolest games ever. They were awesome. But how many people really know that? They just like the shirts.

In the quest to be cool, they've ruined something for me. I hope you're all happy. Because of you, when I find the coolest girl ever, that grew up playing Old school NES, I'm not going to trust her, and then Ill never get to know her, then we wont fall in love, and live happily ever. I hope you're happy.

Monday, March 14, 2005

March 14 Ramblings

I'm going to post everything that bothers me in here, all my random thoughts, and all the junk I'm thinking in this little blog. This is the view of me, I'm 14, and a nerd. If one disagrees with me, comment on it, and then we'll argue some more.

Today has been pretty good, It's Pi day. I don't have too much to complain about, but I've got a little stored up yet, so let's talk about that.

One thing that has really been bothering me lately is how stupid the world has become. The whole world is worried. We are preoccupied with the wrong things, and we aren't achieving what needs to be achieved. Capitalism rocks, but the culture of lets sue over everything has ruined the world's progress.

Let's talk about school for a bit. Do you know why they can't teach me some stuff in here? Because someone stupid complained about it. Somebody stupid complained that what they were learning was too hard, or too violent, or too religious. Somebody stupid ruined it for me. Instead of just sitting there, and taking it like a man, they went to their parents, and their parents complained. And thus, that was taken out of schools. When my sister was in 5th grade, her teacher was reading Jurassic Park to the class. That's a pretty tight book, but some lamewad complained that the book was too violent, so her mother complained. So, Mr. Bauer never finished the book.

So, my sister was deprived that oppurtunity because somebody couldn't hack it. It seems thats always how the world works. I'm always getting the crap shortchanged out of me, just to make sure everything is pleasing to those people who will explode if they go outside. Things can't be dangerous anymore. The world is wrapped in bubble wrap, just incase somebody might hurt themselves on the actual walls. Walls don't exist anymore, but bubblewrapped walls fill the world.

Why is it that no matter what happens, we need a permission slip? We needed a blasted permission slip to roll around on the gym floor! Just because somebody stupid might get hurt, and then their parents would sue. I'm so grateful that the world is safer now because of stupid parents. Im so glad that I can't do what I want to do, and I can't do what I should be able to do, because somebody dumb got hurt. They ruined it. The fact that people can sue because their kid is a dork is retarded. I'm tired of it.

I honestly think that this is what's wrong with the world right now. Not world hunger, not wars, but stupid parents. Why can't the medical community forge ahead and fix problems? Because there's a real small chance that somebody is gonna grow a third ear. And if somebody grows a third ear, and they sue, the company loses everything, and they're out of business. It's easier to make money churning out tried and proven drugs then it is to take a chance on the miracle drug. Because somebody stupid might sue, they don't have cures for anything. I'm sure that they could be close to alot. But of course, somebody might sue, so they can't take a chance.

My wish of the day: People would accept that they got hosed, and stop suing.

My ultimatum of the day: I volunteer myself to be a casualty of medicine. I'll get poked, and prodded, and I won't sue. Let's solve some problems while I'm here. If i grow a 3rd ear, Hooray. Anybody that wouldnt like me if I had a 3rd ear doesn't really like me anyways.

Ambulance chasers, and stupid people trying to make a living by suing big companies: Your days are numbered. It will take a long time before America smacks you, but when we finally realize how you've messed up the country just for some money, you're gonna get smacked.

Stop being selfish, Stop wasting my time. Let us do what we need to do. You're done boys.