Saturday, November 19, 2005

Blogaday day 4!!!

I gotta tell you, I didn't think I'd make it this far. It's day 4, only 3 more days to go.

You know, I really love my family. They're just amazing. I went camping yesterday, and since my dad is the scout master, he went too. Me, him and braeden were in one car, and all the other guys were in the other car. As we drove up, me and my dad talked about alot of stuff, most of which was seriously nerdy. We talked about smelting, then water purification systems, and then nuclear waste. When we got to our campsite, we learned that the other car had talked about the importance of claiming your farts on scout camp the whole time. The whole time..... My dad is a super smart guy, which is pretty cool, cause you get to have nerdy conversations with him. It made me appreciate him alot.

Anyways, I wanna talk about nuclear waste, because I think it's important.

I am not too well read on this subject. I don't know exactly what nuclear waste can do. Im not sure what it looks like, but from what I understand, it's pretty bad news. Radioactive stuff generally is. Nobody wants it, which is why it's such an issue.

Alot of people want to ship nuclear waste to Utah and have us bury it here. There are a couple reasons for this. The first and foremost is that we have alot of empty space. There are places in the state where you can bury the waste and nobody would be around to complain about it, there's just lost of space. Another reason is our relative lack of rain. We're a desert people, and that means less water to run around and spread the bad stuff. We've got a primo setup to accept all this waste, but the politicians are against it.

Nuclear waste is dangerous stuff, I gotta give them that. They say that if we start to accept all this junk, we'll become the nations dumping ground. They think that this will have a negative connotation, and that nobody will want to come to Utah. It'll hurt tourism, and make everybody think we're lame trashbags.

And so there is a rift here. Industry wants to send the waste here, and the state politicians say no dice. Since the politicians have more power, it doesn't get done. Our governor recently said that he'd veto anything that came by proposing that stuff. He totally axed a proposal to let envirocare accept more waste. He was very stubborn about it, and seemed pretty confident that he had made the right choice.

See, I don't know much about our governor, but when I saw that on the news I lost nearly all respect I had for the guy. That letter we got from him for nerds? Yeah, it's worthless now.

I think that we ought to accept the nuclear waste, and bury the crap out of it. I do not see any valid reasons why we shouldn't. We have a near perfect set up in this state for it. It is safe here, which it isn't right now. Right now it is sitting scattered across the country by the plants that use it, and its just chillin. Which is preferred, a bunch of spent uranium rods sitting buried in the west desert, or a bunch of spent uranium rods hanging out by some plant in new jersey? If something were to happen at all those local storage facilities, alot of people would be in danger of some seriously bad stuff happening. If anything happened in the west desert, a couple of coyotes might lose a little fur over it. The stuff is safe here, thats why they want to send it here. Right now it is dangerous, and we could eliminate alot of that danger.

Honestly, there is a reason that envirocare does what it does. They make that crap safe. They go crazy over it. They don't bury when it's not safe, and they make sure they bury it right, with the right stuff on top of it, to the sides of it, and underneath it. They make it safe for us. Why wouldn't we want them to do that with everything else? The governor is saying that he would rather endanger the people of Oklahoma with low level radioactive waste than allow envirocare to bury it, making it safe for everyone. Does anyone see the logic in that?

Letting us accept nuclear waste would bring alot of money to the state, potentially more than we would lose in tourism. I think that in the 1950s, we would have stood more to lose than we do now. Despite everything I've said about everybody being stupid, I think that the level of intelligence, and the level of information getting passed around to everyone is high enough that people would understand what's going on. Sure there'd be idiots that wouldn't come here to ski, but most people would appreciate what we're doing for the country. I don't think we'd lose all that much tourism. If Utah gets a negative connotation for accepting nuclear waste, so be it. Everybody calls us the Mormon state, why not add Nuclear waste land to the list of things to call us?

Politicians argue that since Utah doesn't produce any nuclear waste, we shouldn't have to accept it. That is true, it's not necessarily our responsibility. Its not endangering us now, why should we have to import their junk? It's their problem, not ours.

I can understand that attitude, I've felt the same way. However, I've always been raised believing that when we have the power to help someone else out, we should do it, even if we don't stand to gain anything from it. Utah is in a position to help the country out, and nobody is holding a gun to our head telling us we have to. Accepting the waste makes the world a safer place, so what if we lose a few dollars in tourism? We can help, we ought to help. I think that the politicians of the state are being pretty stupid about this. I'm sure they know alot of fun secrets that I don't know, I'd be happy to sit down and hear about them, maybe they could change my mind. But based on what I know now, I am pretty upset that we continue to prevent this from happening. Why wait until people start growing 3rd arms to do something about the problem? Get it out of there, and get it here, where it's not gonna do any damage.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you think I'm an idiot. If so, leave a comment telling me so. If you agree with me, leave a comment telling me why, c'mon, it'll be fun.


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