Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I'm sorry to dissappoint you all today, but the world is not coming to an end. Sucks to be you, I know.

Today someone attempted to convince me that we've screwed this world up so much that it'll be gone in 200 years. That everybody is going to be so screwed up from radiation that they won't know the human race existed. He had a rather bleak outlook, and possibly for good reason. Surely the world has many problems. Theoretically we have enough arms to blow the crap out of ourselves a couple hundred times over. Waste is building up, the ozone is being depleted quicklike. People are getting fatter, America is lazier, divided, and people are uglier than ever before. However, despite all this, I have great hopes for the future.

History has a tendency to repeat itself. It has been proven time and time again, and it will continue to be proven. People forget this, that's been proven time and time again as well. Human's have been intelligent enough to write for the past what, 5000 years? We've been crapping on the ground ever since, and we're yet to die out. We've been polluting water supplies, destroying the ozone, killing each other, killing wildlife, cutting down trees, and we're yet to die out.

All you doomsayers, do you remember world war 1? How about world war 2? The crusades? Polpot? The world has always had it's share of problems, and we're alright. We made it! Look at me, check it out! I've still got my limbs! Even from all the A-bomb testing, even from all the so called "Radiation" from cell phones. We won't die out. It's not the first time the world has had conflict. And humanity has always ended up on top.

Surely, we are finding better and better ways to kill each other. 800 years ago, bows + arrows and swords couldn't really kill too many people. Now we have sophisticated bombs that can take out cities at a time. So?

Surely the world is in bad shape, but it has been in bad shape for the last 5000 years. Despite our declines, we are growing stronger all the time. Right now, this generation is getting the crap beat out of them for the stupid things they did in the past. Everybody smoked, everybody thought radiation was good for you. Everybody sniffed asbestos just for fun. Cancer is on the rise. This generation has its problems as well, but we have our ways of dealing with problems. This day, medical science is the very best it has ever been in the history of humanity. Computers are faster today that ever before. Students are learning more than ever in history.

We can deal with cancer, we can deal with the bombs. Life has survived mass climate change in the past. Life has survived dictators being in charge too. We've survived some atomic bombs, some lion attacks too. We've got the tendency to survive no matter what happens. Oil prices go up? So what, humanity will survive. 200 years from now, I expect things to be peachy. The world is dandy, no worries mate.

-Christopher Thatcher


The dork who tried to convince me the world was coming to an end is now playing stupid internet games, the most entertaining of which involved President Bush and John Kerry jousting. Gotta love arguing with intelligent people.


Blogger CJThatcher said...

Well, throughout history mankinds population just keeps going up and up. Despite all the junk, we're going up faster than ever before. I think itll keep happening. You can't kill us, don't worry, we're just that good.

3:56 PM  
Blogger riss. said...

Well Chris, what about the Millenium? Where does that fit into this? The world is gonna go through alot of changes by then...... I know that's more religion than ecology, but what do you think?

4:15 PM  

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